बुधवार, 28 मार्च 2012

General V.K.SIngh :

Is  General V.K.Singh got mad

By S.Rajen Todariya
General V.K. Singh:  Should he be sacked ?
 The leak of General V.K. Singh’s letter to Prime Minister is a good news for Pakistan and China. General V.K. Singh has lowered the prestige of Indian Army  in the eyes of general public all time low. It is call of hours that General Singh must be saked with immediate effect, so that such a irresponsible person must taught a strict lesson.

It is quite clear that the General’s letter to Prime Minister is a planned leak carried out sources to close Army Chief V.K.Singh . This is a natural conclusion to which we may reach. The sequences of the incidents happening last two or three months also are indicating. It is also quite evident that the main beneficiary of this controversy is General Singh himself. Government could not dare to do the blunder of this level. Leak had embraces Government again. This leak is not going to help the government and it had benefitted BJP at large. So it can be stated that there is no government’s hand in the leaking of letter. It is also notable fact that Army Chief had a option to convey his concerns to Prime Minister in person orally. Question arises that why General chooses to write letter after his age controversy . It is to be noted that the timing of leakage of this letter under question. General first explode the bribery bomb and now this letter bomb, is these two incident are independent to each other or these are a series of blast planned by someone who want to put government under uncomfortable situation.  The second possibilities is more logical. This whole controvercy may also have a political link or political motive behind this leak.
This whole issue had made Indian Army and her discipline a matter of mockery in the eyes of the nation. Everybody is concern about the mental health of the Army Chief. The glory, dignity and  traditions of Army had lowered to bottom in the regime of General Singh. General Singh had left no way out before government except to sack him immediately. Thus it is call of hours that Army Chief must be sacked so that the tradition of Army can be restored .It seems that General V.K.Singh hadlost his mental balance after losing the battle of his age.

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