शुक्रवार, 20 अप्रैल 2012

Uttrakhand Janmanch warns: No anti power project religious leader would be allowed to enter in Uttrakhand

       Restart work on hydro project: Janmanch

  A delegation of Uttrakhand Janamanch today met Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna and demanded to resume work on Loharinaag-Pala, Pala-Maneri and Bhaironghaati hydro project. The delegation apprise C.M. that Janmanch is going to hold a convention on hydro projects on the eve of anniversary of Peshawar Revolt. Delegation praised Chief Minister for his straight forward attitude towards hydro projects. But delegation told C.M. that there is lot more to be done in this context.
The Secretary General of Uttrakhand Janmanch Rajen Todariya handed over a demand letter to Vijay Bahuguna, C.M.of Uttrakhand
A delegation of Uttrakhand Janmanch headeded by Rajen Todariya, Secretary General today met Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna .   The delegation told C.M. that a wave of anger and dissatisfaction among the people of Uttrakhand due to the anti Pahadi attitude of religious leaders including G.D.Agrawal, Rajendra Singh . The situation in the hills of Uttrakhand is tense and it may explode any time. Delegation apprised C.M. that hydro project should not be stayed or abandon on religious ground. It is unfair to the larger interest of the state and waste of huge public money. Chief Minister assured the delegation that Government is firm on her stand to go for the construction of hydro projects.

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