Maqbool Fida Husain, the legend is no more
By Rajen Todariya
Maqbool Fida Husain, the father of Indian modern art has passed away in exile imposed by the Hindu fundamentalists. He was at 96. He began his carrier from painting film posters in Bombay and soon noticed by the art critics of his time. He made so many master pieces of the modern art and became one of the most popular Indian artists in the world. There so many critics of modern art called him Picasso of India. Hindu fundamentalists opposed him and compelled him to leave his beloved country at age of 90 years. That cruelty of Saffron brigade is a black blot in the Indian democracy and secular traditions of Indian civilization. This behavior of these forces is enough to show that how dangerous are they. The intolerance of saffron brigades distorted the real image of the country all over the world. The culture of plurality is massacred by these anti social elements. But nobody can ever destroy the work of Maqbool Fida Husain . He will be remembered as the father of Indian modern art .We all continue to love him and a proud nation will remember him as a great son of Indian soil.
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