Gorkha Attack on Uttrakhand
Humiliating defeat of a British army of 2500 soldiers led by Captain Kinloch in year 1767 made King of Kathmandu over ambitious . It had led an explosion of Gorkha power in Nepal first . Gorkha king attacked his neighboring state Eastern Nepal and took it under his control in 1773 . Then he conquered Sikkim . Gorkhas crossed Kaali river and defeated the king of Kumaun in 1790 . These victories made Gorkhas more expansionist and ambitious .At the same time rift in the royal family of Garhwal was widening .Factionlism persisted in a more aggravated form during the reign of Pradyuman Shah .from 1785 to 1804 .Due to instigations of these intriguing officials Pradyuman Shah has to struggle for the preservation of his throne and had to fight against his younger brother Parakram Shah. As a consequences the state had fallen to disarray. Taking the advantage of an internal instability and exhaustion of the Garhwal state , G0rkhas imperial power had virtually plundered Garhwal in 1791 . The Gorkhas forced Garhwal to sue for a costly peace by imposing an annual tribute of Rs 25000/ and demanded the presence of a permanent representative of Kathmandu court in the Garhwal darbaar . Gorkhas was planning to attack on Garhwal but meanwhile they changed their strategy due to ongoing dispute over trade . They attacked Tibet and took the control of the trade and mountain passes . This move of Gorkhas made furious Chinese emperor , he sent a huge army to Tibet . Chinese army expelled Gorkhas from Tibet . After a long silence on the borders the Gorkha Raja attacked quake hit Garhwal in 1803 and conquered it along with other territories as far as the west of Satluj river . After defeat Pradyuman Shah , Raja of Garhwal made another attempt to regain the lost patrimony but he was killed in a deadly battle with Gorkhas at Khudbuda in Dehradun . This defeat led Garhwal to a slavery of 12 years .
The 12 years of indirect rule and next 12 years of direct rule of Gorkhas was known for rapacity, oppressions and undue harshness, particularly in the earlier years of occupation. The population was subjected to high land revenue assessments. On onon payment of these taxes , families were sold into slavery . Their lands were seized and mortgaged .People were forced to flee from their villagesand abandon the fields. According to Frazer’s estimations perhaps 2 lakhs male, female and children were taken as slaves from Garhwal alone . Same atrocities were carried in Kumaun and more than one lakh person were taken as slaves and sold in the mandi .
Humiliating defeat of a British army of 2500 soldiers led by Captain Kinloch in year 1767 made King of Kathmandu over ambitious . It had led an explosion of Gorkha power in Nepal first . Gorkha king attacked his neighboring state Eastern Nepal and took it under his control in 1773 . Then he conquered Sikkim . Gorkhas crossed Kaali river and defeated the king of Kumaun in 1790 . These victories made Gorkhas more expansionist and ambitious .At the same time rift in the royal family of Garhwal was widening .Factionlism persisted in a more aggravated form during the reign of Pradyuman Shah .from 1785 to 1804 .Due to instigations of these intriguing officials Pradyuman Shah has to struggle for the preservation of his throne and had to fight against his younger brother Parakram Shah. As a consequences the state had fallen to disarray. Taking the advantage of an internal instability and exhaustion of the Garhwal state , G0rkhas imperial power had virtually plundered Garhwal in 1791 . The Gorkhas forced Garhwal to sue for a costly peace by imposing an annual tribute of Rs 25000/ and demanded the presence of a permanent representative of Kathmandu court in the Garhwal darbaar . Gorkhas was planning to attack on Garhwal but meanwhile they changed their strategy due to ongoing dispute over trade . They attacked Tibet and took the control of the trade and mountain passes . This move of Gorkhas made furious Chinese emperor , he sent a huge army to Tibet . Chinese army expelled Gorkhas from Tibet . After a long silence on the borders the Gorkha Raja attacked quake hit Garhwal in 1803 and conquered it along with other territories as far as the west of Satluj river . After defeat Pradyuman Shah , Raja of Garhwal made another attempt to regain the lost patrimony but he was killed in a deadly battle with Gorkhas at Khudbuda in Dehradun . This defeat led Garhwal to a slavery of 12 years .
The 12 years of indirect rule and next 12 years of direct rule of Gorkhas was known for rapacity, oppressions and undue harshness, particularly in the earlier years of occupation. The population was subjected to high land revenue assessments. On onon payment of these taxes , families were sold into slavery . Their lands were seized and mortgaged .People were forced to flee from their villagesand abandon the fields. According to Frazer’s estimations perhaps 2 lakhs male, female and children were taken as slaves from Garhwal alone . Same atrocities were carried in Kumaun and more than one lakh person were taken as slaves and sold in the mandi .
पागल गोरखाओं के कुकर्मों का फल आज भी नेपाली पब्लिक भुगत रही है
जवाब देंहटाएंपागल गोरखाओं के कुकर्मों का फल आज भी नेपाली पब्लिक भुगत रही है
जवाब देंहटाएंजौनसार बावर क्षेत्र में प्रचलित कथाओं के अनुसार उस क्षेत्र में गोरखा समूशाही का राज था। वह अत्यन्त क्रूर व कुकर्मी शासक था। वह महिलाओं का दूध पीता था। उसके सैनिक बच्चों को जन्म देने वाली महिलााअों को एक धातु से निर्मित एक विशेष प्रकार की पेट्टी स्थनों पर इस तरह से बांधने हेतु देते थे जिससे कि मां अपने बच्चे को दूध न पिला सके। पेट्टी बंधने पर उस पर ताला लगा दिया जाता था। समूशाही के सैनिक सुबह-शाम आकर दूध निकलवा कर अपने साथ ले जाते थे और फिर से पेट्टी बंधवा कर ताला जड़ देते थे। मां के दूध के अभाव में हजारों बच्चे भूखे मर जाते थे। कहते है समूशाही के अत्याचारों से तंग आकर जौनसार बावर के लोग अपने आराध्य देवता महासू के पास गये और उनसे समूशाही राजा के अत्याचारों से मुक्ति दिलाने की विनति की। महासू की कृपा से समूशाही राजा के पेट से वृक्ष उग आया जिसकी शाखाएं उसके मुंह, नाक व कान से बाहर निकलने लगी। अन्तत: महासू की कृपा से समूशाही की मौत हो गयी तथा क्षेत्रवासियों को उसके अत्याचारों से मुक्ति मिली। बताया जाता है कि समूशाही का महल व किला बैराटखाई पर्वत पर स्थित था। उक्त स्थान पर आज भी उक्त महल/किले के अवशेष उपलब्ध है।
जवाब देंहटाएंजौनसार बावर क्षेत्र में प्रचलित कथाओं के अनुसार उस क्षेत्र में गोरखा समूशाही का राज था। वह अत्यन्त क्रूर व कुकर्मी शासक था। वह महिलाओं का दूध पीता था। उसके सैनिक बच्चों को जन्म देने वाली महिलााअों को एक धातु से निर्मित एक विशेष प्रकार की पेट्टी स्थनों पर इस तरह से बांधने हेतु देते थे जिससे कि मां अपने बच्चे को दूध न पिला सके। पेट्टी बंधने पर उस पर ताला लगा दिया जाता था। समूशाही के सैनिक सुबह-शाम आकर दूध निकलवा कर अपने साथ ले जाते थे और फिर से पेट्टी बंधवा कर ताला जड़ देते थे। मां के दूध के अभाव में हजारों बच्चे भूखे मर जाते थे। कहते है समूशाही के अत्याचारों से तंग आकर जौनसार बावर के लोग अपने आराध्य देवता महासू के पास गये और उनसे समूशाही राजा के अत्याचारों से मुक्ति दिलाने की विनति की। महासू की कृपा से समूशाही राजा के पेट से वृक्ष उग आया जिसकी शाखाएं उसके मुंह, नाक व कान से बाहर निकलने लगी। अन्तत: महासू की कृपा से समूशाही की मौत हो गयी तथा क्षेत्रवासियों को उसके अत्याचारों से मुक्ति मिली। बताया जाता है कि समूशाही का महल व किला बैराटखाई पर्वत पर स्थित था। उक्त स्थान पर आज भी उक्त महल/किले के अवशेष उपलब्ध है।
जवाब देंहटाएंयुद्ध अाैर प्रेममे सवकुछ जायज हाेति है । तत्कालिन गाेर्खा शासनका एक हि जुनुन अाैर सपना था पूरा भारत से मुगल,मुस्लिम शासनकि अन्त हिन्दू गाेर्खाका शासन कि स्थापना।
जवाब देंहटाएंवाह रे मूरख! हिंदुओं पर सुल्लों वाली ही वहशी दरंदगी करने वालों गोरखाओं को हिंदुओं को सूरज बताते हो!?! ये कहकर कि "युद्ध और प्रेम में सब-कुछ जायज होता है!" ऐसे दुष्ट,पापी अत्याचारी लुटेरों तुम को हिन्दुओं बोलते हो?? बुद्धि चोरबाजार में बेच दी है क्या?